Berlin morning mail

display Art that arose from the fear of death Monday, 30 June 2008 04:00 From Knut Teske Their fates produced headlines that went around the world. One survived the Holocaust, the other the kidnapping of the “Landshut”. Now the artists Rachel Gera and...

Gerda Hasselfeld – Vice President of the Bundestag

28.06.2008 Art as a means to (over)life Vice-President of the Bundestag Gerda Hasselfeldt pays tribute to the works of Rachel Gera and Gabriele von Lutzau Gerda Hasselfeldt, vice-president of the Bundestag, opened the exhibition “Living with art” of...

Berlin Pariser Platz 1!

At Commerzbank’s house at Pariser Platz 1 – DIRECTLY ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE BRANDENBURGER GATE will take place on June 26,2008 at 6 p. m. on the opening of the exhibition: “SURVIVING WITH ART” instead. The vernissage is for invited guests...