Art as a means to (over)life
Vice-President of the Bundestag Gerda Hasselfeldt pays tribute to the works of Rachel Gera and Gabriele von Lutzau
Gerda Hasselfeldt, vice-president of the Bundestag, opened the exhibition “Living with art” of Eurohypo at the Commerzbank House in Berlin, which will be on view until the end of July 2008. Works of art by Rachel Gera and Gabriele von Lutzau are shown.
Both artists have experienced a lot of horror. Rachel Gera, born in Palestine, came to Poland during a visit of relatives in 1939 to the National Socialist machinery of persecution of the Jews and was only able to escape through an adventurous escape. Gabriele von Lutzau – then Gabriele Dillmann – was on board as a young stewardess when, in autumn 1977, the hijacked Lufthansa aircraft stood on the runway of Mogadishu in the scorching sun for five days.
Art is in a certain sense existential for us and, in extreme situations, even a means of survival. This is what the works presented here tell us about,”Hasselfeldt said in her greeting. She added:”Rachel Gera’s jewellery made of precious metal and precious stones and Gabriele von Lutzaus’s large-format, room-filling sculptures made of burl wood show, however contrasting the works may be, that both artists were able to turn the horrors suffered by each of them into the constructive, positive”.
The vice-president of the Bundestag especially acknowledged “that an Israeli and a German artist present their works together – in the year in which we celebrate Israel’s 60th birthday”. Today, Germany has a special responsibility to accompany Israel as friends on the difficult road to peace. Our own history shows that first of all, it is possible to become a utopian reality. Finally,”said Hasselfeldt,” Rachel Gera and Gabriele von Lutzau were also in a situation that was both hopelessly hopeless and lacking in prospects. Then came the apparently utopian salvation. Without the rescue, these works of art would not exist.”
The exhibition at Commerzbank’s premises at Pariser Platz 1,10117 Berlin, is open daily until 31 July, except Tuesday from 11 a. m. to 8 p. m. It is freely accessible.
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